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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. R. (Reinoud) Gosens


COPD-iNET: a call to the lung community for action to combat the global epidemic of COPD

Corrigendum: Cigarette smoke restricts the ability of mesenchymal cells to support lung epithelial organoid formation

Disinherit your Descendants by Rewriting the Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease Epigenetic Script

Endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced senescence in human lung fibroblasts

Inhalable Textile Microplastic Fibers Impair Airway Epithelial Differentiation

Loss of Pulmonary Endothelial Cells in Emphysema Impairs Support of Human Alveolar Epithelial Cell Growth

Lung fibroblast-derived extracellular vesicles and soluble factors alleviate elastase-induced lung injury

Mechanotransduction and the extracellular matrix: Key drivers of lung pathologies and drug responsiveness

Neuroplasticity and neuroimmune interactions in fatal asthma

Novel high-yield potato protease inhibitor panels block a wide array of proteases involved in viral infection and crucial tissue damage

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Drugs seem to help regenerate mouse lungs damaged by cigarette smoke

De donkere kant van de long


Crowdfunding activity for Proefdiervrij: asthma model on chip

Interview for iPulmonologist

Mailing to Longfonds members on research activities in the area of lung repair

Press release role of Fstl1 in smokers

Artikel Longwijzer: STOP longschade!

Educational video on mode of action of anticholinergics and beta-agonists

Commissielid Dirkje Postma Talent award

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