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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons R.C. Prins, MSc


Combining oligo pools and Golden Gate cloning to create protein variant libraries or guide RNA libraries for CRISPR applications

The signal peptide of yeast killer toxin K2 confers producer self-protection and allows conversion into a modular toxin-immunity system

A Modular Cloning Toolkit Including CRISPRi for the Engineering of the Human Fungal Pathogen and Biotechnology Host Candida glabrata

Oligo pools as an affordable source of synthetic DNA for cost-effective library construction in protein- and metabolic pathway engineering

A buffered media system for yeast batch culture growth

There's no place like OM: Vesicular sorting and secretion of the peptidylarginine deiminase of Porphyromonas gingivalis

Differential epitope recognition in the immunodominant staphylococcal antigen A of Staphylococcus aureus by mouse versus human IgG antibodies

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Team iGEM Groningen 2021 wint gouden medaille en ‘best environment project’

Team iGEM Groningen 2021 wins gold medal and 'best environment project'