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R.C. (Ruven) Fleming, Dr

Assistant Professor; Scientific Coordinator Groningen Centre of Energy Law and Sustainability
Profile picture of R.C. (Ruven) Fleming, Dr


The EU Green Deal and its Implementation


Europe’s security of gas supply legislation – a short legal history and latest developments


Sustainability Criteria for Renewable Hydrogen

The Cambridge Handbook of Hydrogen and the Law

Wasserstoffelektrolyse im Gigawatt-Maßstab: Abbau von Innovationshürden

Zur Entwicklung von Wasserstoff-Netzinfrastrukturen in Deutschland bis zum Jahr 2030

A Force of Energy: Essays in Energy Law in Honour of Professor Martha Roggenkamp

Editorial Preface


Niederlande: Verdruss über Deutschlands Energiepolitik

Is EU wel solidair in een gascrisis?

Bloomberg BNN (Associated Press) `How Europe is trying to deal with its gas crisis´

ABC News `How Europe is trying to deal with its gas crisis´

El frío y los precios definen la crisis europea del gas

Europe gas crisis hinges on cold, high prices luring supply

Cómo intenta combatir la UE su crisis del gas natural

Deutsche Welle (DW) `Europe's climate woes — can this tech help? Power-to-Gas´