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A capital-based approach to better understand health inequalities: Theoretical and empirical explorations

Do influence at work and possibilities for development mitigate the impact of job demands for workers with and without depression

The role of individual and contextual factors in paid employment of workers with a chronic disease

Associations of within-individual changes in working conditions, health behaviour and BMI with work ability and self-rated health: a fixed effects analysis among Dutch workers

Development and validation of a prediction model for unemployment and work disability among 55 950 Dutch workers

Do chronic diseases moderate the association between psychosocial working conditions and work exit? Longitudinal results from 55 950 Dutch workers

Increases in symptoms of depression and anxiety in adults during the initial phases of the COVID-19 pandemic are limited to those with less resources: Results from the Lifelines Cohort Study

Multimorbidity and exit from paid employment: the effect of specific combinations of chronic health conditions

Invloed ongezond gedrag op vroegtijdig verlaten arbeidsmarkt bij chronisch zieken

Symptoms of depression and anxiety in Dutch adults during and before the COVID-19 pandemic

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Duurzame inzetbaarheid van werknemers met een chronische ziekte: de rol van gezond gedrag en werkomstandigheden