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Clinical and Biochemical Factors Associated with Infliximab Pharmacokinetics in Paediatric Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Model-informed precision dosing in inflammatory bowel diseases

The effect of acetylcysteine on the prothrombin time and international normalized ratio: a narrative review

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Evaluation of Target Attainment for Tobramycin in Children and Adults with Cystic Fibrosis

Infliximab in paediatric inflammatory bowel disease: External evaluation of population pharmacokinetic models

Lamotrigine Use in Lactating Women: Passage into Breast Milk and Infant Exposure: Grand Round/A Case Study

Pharmacokinetics of Monoclonal Antibodies Throughout Pregnancy: A Systematic Literature Review

Pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in pregnant solid organ transplant recipients: A retrospective study

Pharmacy compounded pilocarpine: An adequate solution to overcome shortage of pilogel® discs for sweat testing in patients with cystic fibrosis