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prof. dr. P. (Peter) Meerlo

Associate Professor - The Biology of Sleep

The phylogeny and ecology of sleep

The role of sleep in neuronal plasticity and memory formation

The neurobiological consequences of restricted or disrupted sleep

Effects of stress on biological clocks and circadian rhythmicty


Current PhD projects under my (co-)supervision:

Kornelija Vitkute (expected completion 2025) - Light effects on brain function (NWA BioClock project). Co-supervision with Robbert Havekes.

Camilla Paraciani (expected completion 2025) - Sleep loss, neuronal plasticity and memory. Co-supervision with Robbert Havekes.

Sophia Wilhelm (expected completion 2025) - The cognitive consequences of sleep deprivation. Co-supervision with Robbert Havekes and Elkan Akyürek.

Xiangpan Kong (expected completion 2023) - Effects of stress on circadian organization: how social defeat changes the alignment of peripheral circadian clocks. Co-supervision with Roelof Hut.


The following PhD projects were completed under my (co-) supervision:

Maria Arroyo-Araujo (2023) - From replicability to generalizability: how research prctice can shape scientific results. Co-supervised with Martien Kas and Robbert Havekes.

Youri Bolsius (2022) - Hidden memories in the sleep-deprived brain: the consequences of sleep loss for hippocampal plasticity and memory. Co-supervised with Robbert Havekes and Martien Kas.

Sjoerd van Hasselt (2021) - Studies on sleep patterns and sleep homeostasis in birds: an ecological approach. Co-supervised with Theunis Piersma and Niels Rattenborg.

Frank Raven (2020) - Sleep as a synaptic architect: how sleep loss influences memory and synaptic plasticity. Co-supervised with Robbert Havekes and Eddy van de Zee.

Simone Ota (2019) - Chronic social stress and the circadian system: effects on the central clock and peripheral liver oscillator. Co-supervised with Deborah Suchecki.

Jeanine Kamphuis (2017) - The relationship between sleep loss and aggression. Co-supervised with Jaap Koolhaas and Marike Lancel.

Wieteke Beerling (2014) - Interpreting the consequences of acute sleep deprivation: stress physiology as mediator. Co-supervised with Jaap Koolhaas and Pim Drinkenburg.

Henriette Hulshof (2012) - Early life influences, sex differences and stress vulnerability. Co-supervised with Paul Luiten and Hans den Boer.

Paulien Barf (2012) - Metabolic consequences of sleep restriction in rats. Co-supervised with Anton Scheurink.

Arianna Novati (2012) - Sleep loss, brain vulnerability and psychopathology: experimental studies on the neurobiological consequences of chronic sleep restriction in rats. Co-supervised with Jaap Koolhaas.

Roelina Hagewoud (2010) - Sleep and memory: behavioral and molecular consequences of sleep deprivation. Co-supervised with Jaap Koolhaas.

Viktor Roman (2007) - Neurobiological and functional consequences of chronic partial sleep deprivation: the role of the serotonergic system. Co-supervised with Paul Luiten.

Katalin M. Horvath (2003) - Adult vulnerability to neurodegeneration: impact of neonatal handling, neuropeptides, and adult estrogen treatment. Co-supervised with Paul Luiten.


Last modified:15 February 2023 3.05 p.m.