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About us Practical matters How to find us prof. dr. P.L.P. (Paul) Brand

Research interests

With >20 years of experience as a paediatrician (with special interest in asthma and allergy) and as a clinical teacher involved in workplace medical education, I am fascinated with how people learn. We teach and learn each day, all day, but most of this teaching and learning is implicit. I aim to unveil and unravel this every-day teaching and learning, to better understand it, and to improve it. My research interests focus on communication in teaching and learning, both with junior doctors and in each clinical encounter between doctor and patient; on the provision and effects of constructive feedback; on shared decision making and how this impacts people's motivation to follow recommendations; and on the impact of the learning environment on learning.


Advances and challenges in endoscopy training: A mixed methods study among endoscopy trainers in the Netherlands

Associations between physicians' SDM behaviour and participation of older patients and family members in triadic decision-making: An observational study

Child participation during outpatient consultations: a mixed methods study

From Competence by Time to Competence by Design: Lessons From A National Transformation Initiative

A framework to improve quality of hospital-based physiotherapy: a design-based research study

Child participation in triadic medical consultations: A scoping review and summary of promotive interventions

Observational study on the timing and method of interruption by hospital consultants during the opening statement in outpatient consultations

Samen beslissen met kind en ouders

Simulation-based bronchoscopy training: Randomized trial comparing worked example to video introduction

Association between allergen component sensitisation and clinical allergic disease in children


Artsen doen minder aan samen beslissen dan ze denken

Meer kinderen allergisch, vooral huisstofmijtallergie rukt op