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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. P.J. (Pieter) van der Zaag

prof. dr. P.J. (Pieter) van der Zaag

  • Intra-operative pathology assisted surgery (IPAS) – enhancing clinical decision making in oncological surgery (with B. Keizers)
  • Advanced optical imaging for 3D tissue analysis (with A. Fakrolmobasheri)
  • 4D local drug distribution determination using advanced optical microscopy to impove outcomes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) (with N. Aledbli)
  • Staining for and 3D and 4D high- and super-resolution optical studies of the tissue microenvironment of drugs in correlation with clinical parameters (with L. Dong)
Laatst gewijzigd:30 maart 2023 10:18