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dr. P.H. (Peter) van der Meer

Assistant Professor
Profile picture of dr. P.H. (Peter) van der Meer



Name             Peter H van der Meer              
Born in           Groningen, the Netherlands  
Born on          february 20,  1961

Peter H. van der Meer (1961) studied economics (MSc) at the Unversity of Groningen.
He got a PhD-degree in sociology based on a thesis about crowding out on the labour market.

He held positions at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin Germany; The Social and Cultural Planning Office; Tilburg University and Twente University and was a visiting Professor at the Department of Sociology and Political Science of the NTNU at Trondheim Norway

His main research interests now is into happiness. He researches the relation between labour market outcomes and happiness.

His earlier research was mostly in the field of education and the labour market. More specifically they dealt with the issues overeducation, crowding out, the role of education on the labour market and most recent with unpaid overtime.

Since 2001 he forms part of the faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen. His main task there is research and education in the field of Personnel Economics.

Last modified:19 June 2023 11.33 a.m.