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Extracellular matrix turnover in severe COVID-19 is reduced by corticosteroids

At-admission prediction of mortality and pulmonary embolism in an international cohort of hospitalised patients with COVID-19 using statistical and machine learning methods

Characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital with and without respiratory symptoms

Creatinine clearance/eGFR ratio: a simple index for muscle mass related to mortality in ICU patients

Delineating sex-specific circulating host response signatures associated with COVID-19 severity and mortality

Further improvement of circuit survival in citrate based continuous renal replacement therapy

The INTOXICATE study: methodology and preliminary results of a prospective observational study

Viral Presence and Immunopathology in a Kidney Transplant Recipient with Fatal COVID-19: A Clinical Autopsy Report

Acute and chronic histopathological findings in renal biopsies in COVID-19

Acute Kidney Injury in the ICU during Ganciclovir Treatment, an Observational Study


Peter van der Voort toch geen kandidaat voor Tweede Kamer

UMCG wil medewerkers behouden met nieuwe intensive care

Peter vd Voort stelt zich kandidaat voor Tweede Kamer

IC-hoofd UMCG stelt zich kandidaat voor Tweede Kamer

Kuipers ontvangt nieuw boek ´Zorg voor transitie’

IC-verpleegkundigen krijgen én nemen regie in eigen handen

Flu wave hits hospital extra hard due to high absenteeism: ‘House of cards can collapse every day’

Flu wave hits hospital extra hard due to high absenteeism: ‘Staff are walking on gums’

Griepgolf slaat extra hard toe in ziekenhuis door hoog verzuim: ‘Personeel loopt op tandvlees’

Griepvirus: 'Geen reden voor paniek, maar wel voor alertheid'