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About us Practical matters How to find us prof. dr. P. (Pieter) de Wilde

Research interests

Comparative Politics, European Politics, European Union, Political Communication, Political Sociology, Political Theory


(De‐)politicization Discourse Strategies: The Case of Trade

Critical junctures and the crystallization of cosmopolitanism and communitarianism

More power, less influence: European union actors in media debates on fiscal policy after the eurocrisis

Peace, Prosperity and Protection: Narratives of Integration and the ‘Justification Jungle’ of Europe's Public Spheres

Varieties of EU trade politicisation in EU public debates

Analyzing Citizen Engagement With European Politics on Social Media

The essence of democratic backsliding in the European Union: deliberation and rule of law

A cosmopolitan–communitarian cleavage around the world? Evidence from ideological polarization and party–voter linkages

The Quality of Representative Claims: Uncovering a Weakness in the Defense of the Liberal World Order

Going full circle: the need for procedural perspectives on EU responsiveness

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EU moet verdragen vaker terzijde schuiven

Commentaar uitslagen Europese verkiezingen

Terugblik verkiezingen: 'Het rode bolwerk lijkt terug in het noorden, maar dat is schijn'

Verkiezingsavond Europese Verkiezingen 2024

Europese Verkiezingen

Europese Verkiezingen - Radio 3

Poppetjes en Programma's in de Europese Politiek

Politiek wetenschapper Pieter de Wilde van de RUG: 'Europeanen willen niet voor elkaar vechten'

Politiek wetenschapper Pieter de Wilde van de RUG: 'Europeanen willen niet voor elkaar vechten'

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