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Giant radio galaxies in the LOFAR deep fields

Nuclear regions as seen with LOFAR international baselines A high-resolution study of the recurrent activity

The Revised Third Cambridge Catalogue at 60: To Jet or Not to Jet …

Disentangling the AGN and Star formation Contributions to the Radio-X-Ray Emission of Radio-loud Quasars at 1 < Z < 2

Beyond Simple AGN Unification with Chandra-observed 3CRR Sources at 0.5 < z < 1

Nowhere to hide: Radio-faint AGN in the GOODS-N field. II. Multi-wavelength AGN selection techniques and host galaxy properties

The radio emission from active galactic nuclei

High-redshift 3CR: Witnessing the formation of the most massive galaxies, clusters and AGN in the Bright Ages

Infrared-detected AGNs in the local Universe

Obscuration and orientation effects in a medium redshift (0.5 < z < 1) 3CRR sample observed by Chandra

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National Physics Exam HAVO Commentary

Interview Article: "Professor, bestaat God?"

Book Presentation: "Professor, bestaat God?"

Interview Article: "Professor, bestaat God?"

Interview Article: "Professor, bestaat God?"

Book Presentation: "Professor, bestaat God?"

Interview Article: "Professor, bestaat God?"

Publication of: "AGN Unificatie"

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