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Is work overload associated with diagnostic errors on 18F-FDG-PET/CT?

Radiologist-patient communication of musculoskeletal ultrasonography results: a choice between added value and costs

What is the added value of specialist radiology review of multidisciplinary team meeting cases in a tertiary care center?

[18F]FDG-PET/CT in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients with COVID-19 ARDS and persistent inflammation.

A new medical imaging postprocessing and interpretation concept to investigate the clinical relevance of incidentalomas: can we keep Pandora's box closed?

Correction: Did medical doctors who order abdominal CT scans during on-call hours truly become worse at clinical reasoning? Yes, they did

Did medical doctors who order abdominal CT scans during on-call hours truly become worse at clinical reasoning?: Yes, they did

Why don't we inform patients about the risk of diagnostic errors?

Work overload and diagnostic errors in radiology

Elevate value in neck ultrasonography to a next level

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Dutch team finds work overload is major cause of diagnostic errors

Diagnostic errors occur mostly when radiologists exceed their average daily production

How Valuable Are Clinical Decision Support Mechanisms?