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About us Practical matters How to find us N.H. (Ngoc Hân) Nguyen, PhD

N.H. (Ngoc Hân) Nguyen, PhD

Assistant Professor in International Human Resource Management

Peer-reviewed articles:

Belderbos, R., Leten, B., Nguyen, N. H., & Vancauteren, M. (2023). Multinational firms and the quest for global talent: Employing (skilled) foreign workers at home and abroad. Journal of International Business Studies (FT 50, ABS 4*).

Laursen, K., Leten, B., Nguyen, N. H., & Vancauteren, M. (2020). Mounting corporate innovation performance: The effects of high-skilled migrant hires and integration capacity. Research Policy (FT 50, ABS 4*).

Presentations at international conferences/workshops:

For project: Migrants' integration into the workplace

- 2024: 7th Geography of Innovation Conference (GEOINNO2024), Manchester, United Kingdom.

For project: Multinational firms and the quest for global talent: Hiring (skilled) foreign workers at home or abroad (with René Belderbos, Bart Leten, Mark Vancauteren):

- 2022: Paper development workshop for Journal of International Business Studies, special issue on global mobility.

- 2021: 4th workshop on Migration, Globalization and the Knowledge Economy.

- 2021: Migration and Organizations Conference.

- 2021: Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference.

- 2020: DRUID Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

- 2020: 5th Geography of Innovation Conference (GEOINNO2020), Stavanger, Norway.

For project: The impact of high-skilled migrant inward mobility on firm-level innovation performance: Upfolding individual- and firm-level heterogeneity (with Keld Laursen, Bart Leten, Mark Vancauteren):

- 2019: DRUID Academy Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Last modified:15 July 2024 10.21 a.m.