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Is Swedish more beautiful than Danish? Matched guise investigations with unknown languages

Salience is in the brain of the beholder: ERPs reflect acoustically salient variables

Editorial: Using smartphones to collect linguistic data

Een goed verstaander heeft aan een half woord nodig


Language variation — European perspectives VIII: Selected papers from the Tenth International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 10), Leeuwarden, June 2019

Stimmen: A citizen science approach to minority language sociolinguistics


Salience is in the eye of the beholder: Increased pupil size reflects acoustically salient variables

Revising the Language Map of Korea

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Nanna Haug Hilton, Noorse stim fan Fryslân

Opening of "Taaltuin Leeuwarden"

Stimmen fan Fryslân

Gronings Digi-toal

Minoritism Blog

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