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dr. N.A. (Nienke) Busscher

Coordinator Knowledge Platform


As coördinator of the Knowledgeplatform ( I lead a multidisciplinary team, conduct and supervise research and organise public debates to stimulate the interaction between research, policy and practice. As a platform we work on interpreting, explaining and sharing knowledge on the societal impacts of the gas extraction and earthquakes in the North of the Netherlands. These impacts are all-encompassing and complex. Therefore we are in close contact with all stakeholders in the field and visit the affected area regularly.

Our main focus areas are understanding the unfolding societal impacts of the safety operation, damage repair and mining policies (based on the social impact assessment literature); restoring relations; and drawing lessons from and for the Groningen case for the energy transition. In this context I visited Kiruna, Sweden where a large part of the town has to be relocated for safety reasons for the continuation of the iron ore mine. We are also available to conduct short research projects. My specific interests are participation of residents, policy analysis, restoring trust and the literature around social license to operate.
Last modified:31 May 2024 11.27 a.m.

Contact information

Grote Kruisstraat 2/1
9712 TS Groningen
The Netherlands

Kennisplatform Leefbaar en Kansrijk Groningen


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