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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M. (Marieke) van Gerner-Haan, PhD


Draagvlak voor de legitieme portie

Experiences of fatherhood in prison: A thematic analysis of differences between fathers in a family approach programme and a comparison group

Overcoming barriers to career progression for mid-career female physician-scientists: Insights and solutions [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]

Paternal Incarceration, Family Relationships, and Adolescents’ Internalizing and Externalizing Problem Behaviors

Patient perspectives on the use of artificial intelligence in prostate cancer diagnosis on MRI

Recruiting non-respondents for a conversation about reasons for non-response: A description and evaluation

Retrospective Radiology Research: Do We Need Informed Patient Consent?

Community Wise—effects and participant perceptions of a community- based -positive health intervention for older inhabitants of low SES neighbourhoods: a mixed-methods approach

Fatherhood and Reoffending after Release from Prison: The Importance of Co-Residing With a Partner and Children

Sociale steun in de psychiatrie: Kwalitatief onderzoek naar de rol van sociale steun in het welbevinden van bezoekers van Stichting (On)Gestoord [masterthesis]

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