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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M. (Marco) van der Velde


Maternal Effects Contribute to the Superior Performance of Extra-Pair Offspring

Low-frequency songs lose their potency in noisy urban conditions

Forensische DNA-methoden in het boerenland: Was het misvormde ei van zendergrutto Heidenskip?

Gut microbiota of homing pigeons shows summer-winter variation under constant diet indicating a substantial effect of temperature

Gut microbiota of homing pigeons shows summer–winter variation under constant diet indicating a substantial effect of temperature

No genetic evidence for parent–offspring relatedness in post-breeding social groups of Black-crested Titmouse (Baeolophus atricristatus)

Telomere heritability and parental age at conception effects in a wild avian population

The microbial environment modulates non-genetic maternal effects on egg immunity

Extra-pair mating opportunities mediate parenting and mating effort trade-offs in a songbird

Microbial environment shapes immune function and cloacal microbiota dynamics in zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata

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