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About us Practical matters How to find us M.P. Berg, Prof Dr

Research interests

What spurs me on is the question what determines the diversity and composition of soil fauna communities. I am especially interested in the interplay between species-specific traits and spatial scales in determining shifts in community composition under environmental stress. I study which functional traits underlay changes in species composition, from the micro-scale (m2) to the macro-scale (among biomes). I also study how changes in species composition (via response traits) affect important soil processes (via effect traits), such as litter decomposition.

My aim is to integrate ecological and evolutionary concepts into community ecology by using inter- and intraspecific variation in species traits, including life history traits and tolerance traits (micro-scale) and dispersal traits (meta- to macro-scale), to understand the impact of environmental changes on local community composition and functioning. My main focus is on ecosystem engineers and the effect of non-trophic interactions on ecosystem dynamics.

My research emphasizes a mechanistic approach, linking species functional traits to community composition and functioning. I use a variety of study systems, including green beach, salt marsh, and sub-arctic tundra, as well as a variety of model organisms, including ecosystem engineers such as Amphipoda, Collembola and terrestrial Isopoda.


Linking effect traits of soil fauna to processes of organic matter transformation

Comparison of metrics to reveal the role of soil fauna in soil health assessment in peat meadow restoration

Facilitation: Isotopic evidence that wood-boring beetles drive the trophic diversity of secondary decomposers

Global fine-resolution data on springtail abundance and community structure

Litter mixture effects on nitrogen dynamics during decomposition predominantly vary among biomes but little with litter identity, diversity and soil fauna

Meta-analysis reveals that vertebrates enhance plant litter decomposition at the global scale

Secondary compounds increase litter removal by termites across 23 savanna grass species

Acoustic camouflage increases with body size and changes with bat echolocation frequency range in a community of nocturnally active Lepidoptera

A trait-based framework for dung beetle functional ecology

Biogeomorphological aspects of a model barrier island and its surroundings - Interactions between abiotic conditions and biota shaping the tidal and terrestrial landscape: A synthesis


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