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prof. dr. M. (Matthijs) Oudkerk

Professor of Radiology
Profile picture of prof. dr. M. (Matthijs) Oudkerk

  • NAME: Matthijs Oudkerk

    Professor of Radiology University of Groningen Chief Scientific Officer Institute for Diagnostic Accuracy
    Former Chief Medical Scientific Director Center for Medical Imaging – North East Netherlands University Medical Center Groningen NL

    2002 “De Imagine Corporis Humani”, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
  • 2024 BIG Registration Medical Specialist / Scientific Researcher
    2016 / 2021Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs (BKO)
    2015 Re-registration BROK register
    2011 European Diploma in Cardiac Radiology (EBCR)
    2011 Registration BROK register (Basiscursus Regelgeving en Organisatie voor Klinisch Onderzoekers)
    1981 PhD in Medicine, University of Leiden, The Netherlands,
    Title thesis “Infusion rate in enteroclysis examination”
    1980 Registration as Radiologist
    1976 – 1980 Specialism Training in Radiology University of Leiden, the Netherlands
    1976 MD, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
    1975 MSc in Medicine, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
  • 2024 - Senior Editor Springer Nature Cancer Imaging //
  • 2023 - the International J Mulshine Leadership Award for Cancer Prevention and Research
  • 2022 - Honorary member of the Chinese Society of Radiology
  • 2021 Visiting Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine
  • 2020 - Chair committee of the National Institute for Public Health of the Netherlands on Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of Thromboembolic Complications in COVID-19
  • 2019 Chief Scentific Officer Institute for Diagnostic Accuracy
  • 2018 Senior Editor British Journal of Radiology
  • 2017 Honorary Member section Cardiovascular Radiology of Society of Radiology of the Netherlands
  • 2016 Personal Grant Royal Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands
  • 2013 Honorary Member of the Bulgarian Association of Radiology (BAR)
  • 2013 Fellow of the North American Society of Cardiac Imaging ( FNASCI)
  • 2011 Honorary Member of the European Society of Cardiac Radiology (ESCR)
  • 2008 Best reviewer award European Radiology
  • 2007 Pro Bono Curantium Gold Medal for Merit of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • 2005 Pavlov Medal and Certificate Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 2005 Fellow of the International Cancer Imaging Society (ICIS)
  • 2005, 2007 ESCR awards
  • 1999 Honorary Professor of the Medical College of Shanghai Medical University
  • 1997 Fellow of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe
  • 1989, 2007 RSNA awards
    2016 - Member of the Catalyst Panel of the Population Research Committee of Cancer Research UK
    2013 - Member of the North American Association for Cardiac Imaging (NASCI)
    2005 - Member of the International Cancer Imaging Society (ICIS)
    1999 - Member of the European Society of Cardiac Radiology (ESCR)
    1997 - Member of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe
    1996 - Member of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
    1995 - Senior member of the Society of Magnetic Resonance (SMR)
    1993 - Corresponding Member of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
    1993 - Fellow of the American College of Angiology (F.A.C.A.)
    1989 - Dutch Society of Intervention Radiology
    1989 - Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE)
    1988 - European Society of Oncology
    1988 - Dutch Society of Angiology
    1976 - Dutch Society of Radiology
    2012 Member ISLAC lung cancer prevention and early detection committee
    2011 Member Taskforce Group of topsector Life Sciences & Health (LS&H) Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation
    2011 - Member taskforce roadmaps Life Sciences & Health, Ministery of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation
    2011 President of the European Congres of Cardiac Radiology Amsterdam
    2010 IMDI (Innovative Medical Devices Initiative Netherlands) CoRE leader
    2010 – 2011 Chairman Local Organising and Scientific Committee ESCR 2011, Amsterdam
    2008 – 2012 Chairman Cardiovascular Radiology of the Netherlands
    2008 Editor book: “Coronary Radiology, 2nd revised edition”, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-540-32983-1
    2006 – 2011 Chairman of the HORA-committee, to develop the new training programme for residents in Radiology for the Netherlands
    2006 – Editorial Board International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging
    2006 – 2012 Chairman of the Concilium Radiologicum of the NVvR (Radiological Society of the Netherlands) 2005 – 2006 CBO Chairman “Consensus in Pulmonary Embolism”
    2005 – 2014 Initiator and Chairman of Executive Committee of the Netherlands Heart Days (NNHD), Curaçao
    2005 Fellow of the International Cancer Imaging Society (ICIS)
    2004 Member Scientific Editorial Board “European Radiology”
    2004 Member Programme Committee NASCI
    2004 Editor book: “Coronary Radiology”, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 3-540-43640-5
    2004 - Principal investigator NELSON STUDY: Dutch-Belgian study on lung cancer screening
    2004 ECR 2004 chairman committee Cardiac Radiology
    2003 Committee member ECR 2003
    2002 Principal investigator multinational and multicenter study on the detection of livermetastasis (Radiology. 2002 May;223(2):517-24)
    2002 – 2008 President of the European Society of Cardiac Radiology (ESCR)
    2002 – 2008 Chairman European Society of Cardiac Radiology Congres committee
    1999 Board member European Society of Cardiac Radiology
    1999 Editor book: Pulmonary Embolism. Blackwell Scientific Publishers ISBN 3-894 122-286; ISBN 0-632-04223-0
    1998 – 2000 Member of the Organizing Board for the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE) – meeting
    1996 Faculty Member Radiological Meeting: Chest, Breast, Abdomen, University of Graz, Austria
    1996 Faculty Member MR Symposium: Ultrachnelle Bildgebung. Grundlagen und klinische Anwendung. Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Germany
    1996 - 2009 Editor Imaging Decision MRI; Blackwell Science
    1995 Advisor Lexicon Radiology, Blackwell Sciene Berlin/Wien. ISBN 2-894 12-224-2
    1995 Editor book; Advances in MRI, Blackwell Science Berlin/Oxford, ISBN 0-632-04177-3
    1995 Reviewer Investigative Radiology
    1995 Co-chairman First MR Vision Conference: Advances in Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Rurh Universität, Bochum, Germany
    1995 Chairman and organizer Symposium: MRI of the Liver, Rotterdamm The Netherlands
    1994 - Editor book: Radiologie in der Medizinischen Diagnostik, Blackwell Scientific Publishers ISBN 3-89412-189-0
    1990 – 1998 Reviewer European Journal of Radiology
  • PUBLICATIONS per August 2020
    Publications: n = 580
    Citations: n = 21.343
    h- index = 74
Last modified:24 May 2024 7.36 p.m.