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AGALMA, the Ancient Greek Accessible Language Models for linguistic Analysis

AGREE: a new benchmark for the evaluation of distributional semantic models of ancient Greek

Combining the strengths of Dutch survey and register data in a data challenge to predict fertility (PreFer)

IT5: Text-to-text Pretraining for Italian Language Understanding and Generation

Learning from climate change news: Is the world on the same page?

ReproHum #0033-3: Comparable Relative Results with Lower Absolute Values in a Reproduction Study

ReproHum #0892-01: The painful route to consistent results: A reproduction study of human evaluation in NLG

Viability of Automatic Lexical Semantic Change Detection on a Diachronic Corpus of Literary Ancient Greek

Ancient Greek language models

A text style transfer system for reducing the physician–patient expertise gap: An analysis with automatic and human evaluations

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