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University Medical Center Groningen

dr. M.M.H. (Maarten) Lahr

Senior researcher, Department of Epidemiology (unit Health Technology Assessment), University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands


Endovascular Thrombectomy Alone for Large Vessel Occlusion: A Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation Based on Meta-Analyses

Cost-effectiveness of Direct Transfer to Angiography Suite of Patients With Suspected Large Vessel Occlusion

Cost-effectiveness of improvement strategies for reperfusion treatments in acute ischemic stroke: a systematic review

Cost-effectiveness of tenecteplase versus alteplase for acute ischemic stroke

'Drive the doctor' for endovascular thrombectomy in a rural area: a simulation study

Simulation modelling to study the impact of adding comprehensive stroke centres. Can we deliver endovascular thrombectomy sooner?

The National Coordinated Citrien eHealth Program to Scale Up Telemonitoring: Protocol for a Before-and-After Evaluation Study

Upscaling telemonitoring in Dutch University Medical Centres: A baseline measurement

Expediting workflow in the acute stroke pathway for endovascular thrombectomy in the northern Netherlands: a simulation model

Factors Influencing Procurement of Digital Healthcare: A Case Study in Dutch District Nursing

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