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dr. M.L. (Marline Lisette) Wilders

Assistant Professor Arts in Society / Empirical Research Methods Humanities
Profile picture of dr. M.L. (Marline Lisette) Wilders


University College Groningen

  • Visual and Arts Based Methods (BA)
  • Artivism (BA)
  • Project year II: Acting Up: Staging Urban Protest
  • Coordinator of Minor More Healthy Years: Current Challenges in Public Health (BA)


University College Groningen

  • Visual and Arts Based Methods (BA)
  • Artivism (BA)
  • Thesis supervision (BA)
  • Coordinator of Minor More Healthy Years: Current Challenges in Public Health (BA)

ReMA Cultural Leadership, University of Groningen

  • Methodology course for Traineeship and Thesis (ReMA)
  • Research Master Traineeship & Thesis Cultural Leadership (ReMA)
  • Cultural Leadership Winter School 2023 in Groningen (ReMA)
  • Coordination second year Cultural Leadership (ReMA)


University College Groningen

  • Introduction to Academic Research (BA)
  • Visual and Arts Based Methods (BA)
  • Artivism (BA)
  • Thesis supervision (BA)
  • Core teacher in Minor More Healthy Years: Current Challenges in Public Health (BA)

ReMA Cultural Leadership, University of Groningen

  • Methodology course for Traineeship and Thesis (ReMA)
  • Research Master Traineeship & Thesis Cultural Leadership (ReMA)
  • Cultural Leadership Winter School 2022 in Groningen (ReMA)
  • Coordination second year Cultural Leadership (ReMA)


University College Groningen

  • Academic Tutoring (BA)
  • Introduction to Academic Research (BA)
  • Artivism (BA)
  • Project year I: The Generous City
  • Project year II: Cycle City Groningen
  • Thesis supervision (BA)
  • Core teacher in Minor More Healthy Years: Current Challenges in Public Health (BA)

ReMA Cultural Leadership, University of Groningen

  • Methodology course for Traineeship and Thesis (ReMA)
  • Research Master Traineeship & Thesis Cultural Leadership (ReMA)
  • Cultural Leadership Winter School 2021 in Groningen (ReMA)


University College Groningen

  • Academic Tutoring (BA)
  • Introduction to Academic Research (BA)
  • Methods for Humanities (BA)
  • Art as Experience (BA)
  • Project year I: Open Rivers
  • Project year II: Cycle City Groningen
  • Thesis supervision (BA)
  • Core teacher in Minor More Healthy Years: Current Challenges in Public Health (BA)

ReMA Cultural Leadership, University of Groningen

  • Cultural Leadership II (ReMA)
  • Methodology course for Traineeship and Thesis (ReMA)
  • Research Master Traineeship & Thesis Cultural Leadership (ReMA)
  • Cultural Leadership Winter School 2020 in Groningen (ReMA)

BA Arts, Culture and Media, University of Groningen

  • Quantitative and Qualitative Methods (BA)


University College Groningen

  • Academic Tutoring (BA)
  • Academic Writing (BA)
  • Methods for Humanities 1 (BA)
  • Methods for Humanities 2 (BA)
  • Artivism (BA)
  • Thesis supervision (BA)

ReMA Cultural Leadership, University of Groningen

  • Cultural Leadership II (ReMA)
  • Methodology course for Traineeship and Thesis (ReMA)
  • Research Master Traineeship & Thesis Cultural Leadership (ReMA)
  • Cultural Leadership Winter School 2019 in Groningen (ReMA)
  • Cultural Leadership Spring School 2019 in Rome (ReMA)

BA Arts, Culture and Media, University of Groningen

  • Quantitative and Qualitative Methods (BA)


University College Groningen

  • Methods for Humanities (BA)
  • Artivism (BA)

BA-MA Kunst-en Cultuurwetenschappen, University of Amsterdam

  • Kunst, cultuur en politiek: onderzoekspracticum (MA)
  • Management van culturele organisaties: inleiding in het cultuurmanagement (BA)

ReMA Cultural Leadership, University of Groningen

  • Cultural Leadership II (ReMA)
  • Cultural Leadership Spring School 2018 in Rome

BA Arts, Culture and Media, University of Groningen

  • Quantitative and Qualitative Methods (BA)


BA-MA Arts, Culture and Media, University of Groningen

  • Sociology of Arts (MA)
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Methods (BA)


BA-MA Kunst- en Cultuurwetenschappen, University of Amsterdam

  • Kunst, cultuur en het publieke domein (MA)
  • Organisatie en management van culturele instellingen (BA)
  • BA-scriptie werkgroep
  • Begeleiding BA en MA-scripties
  • Tutoraat

Master Erfgoedstudies: Museumstudies, University of Amsterdam

  • Publieksonderzoek in musea: motivatie, uitvoering en gebruik (MA)


BA-MA Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen, University of Amsterdam

  • Kunst, cultuur en het publieke domein (MA)
  • Cultuur en Organisatie (BA)
  • BA-scriptie werkgroep
  • Begeleiding BA en MA-scripties


BA-MA Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen, University of Amsterdam

  • Kunst, cultuur en het publieke domein (MA)
  • Cultuurbeleid: Inleiding (BA)
  • Canon van de Europese cultuur (BA)
  • Begeleiding BA en MA-scripties

Master Theatre Studies, University of Amsterdam

  • Audience and Reception Research in the Theatre (MA)

BA Arts, Culture and Media Studies, University of Groningen

  • Kunstsociologie IV: Beeldende kunst (BA)
  • Begeleiding BA-scripties & stages kunstmarketing


BA Kunsten, Cultuur en Media, University of Groningen

  • Kunstsociologie I: Kunst en maatschappij (BA)

2003/2004 | 2004/2005 | 2005/2006

BA Kunsten Cultuur en Media, University of Groningen

  • Kunsten, Cultuur en Media: Inleiding (BA)
  • Kunstsociologie I: Kunst en maatschappij (BA)
  • Begeleiding BA & MA scripties
Last modified:15 March 2024 12.30 p.m.