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About us Practical matters How to find us M.J. (Mirjam) Borger, MSc

Research interests

PhD project: A first realistic quantitative test of sex ratio modification theory in a wild population

During my PhD, I study the evolution of sex ratio modification. I try to understand why parents change the sex ratio of their offspring and why there is variation between individuals (i.e., why does not everyone produce a 50/50 sex ratio for example?). I study this in the Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis), which produces extremely skewed sex ratios under certain circumstances. I will make models to predict under what circumstances it is more beneficial to produce either sons or daughters. Subsequently, I will test if real-life individuals change their offspring sex ratio according to our models, and we will test the long-term fitness benefits of sex-ratio modification behaviour.


How to prime your offspring: Putting behavioural ecology to the test

Implications of adult sex ratios for natal dispersal in a cooperative breeder

Egg size effects on nestling mass in jackdaws Corvus monedula: A cross-foster experiment

Extremely low amphibian roadkill probability on busy bicycle paths

Human genomic data have different statistical properties than the data of randomised controlled trials

Testing the environmental buffering hypothesis of cooperative breeding in the Seychelles warbler

The estimation of reproductive values from pedigrees

No genetic evidence for parent–offspring relatedness in post-breeding social groups of Black-crested Titmouse (Baeolophus atricristatus)

Putting life history theory to the test: The estimation of reproductive values from field data

Rainfall is associated with social behaviour in Seychelles warblers

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