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About us Practical matters How to find us M. (Matthias) Heinemann, Prof


The rate of glucose metabolism sets the cell morphology across yeast strains and species

Contribution of different macromolecules to the diffusion of a 40 nm particle in Escherichia coli

PunctaFinder: An algorithm for automated spot detection in fluorescence microscopy images

The relevance of sustainable laboratory practices

The "weaken-fill-repair" model for cell budding: Linking cell wall biosynthesis with mechanics

Improving photosynthetic efficiency toward food security: Strategies, advances, and perspectives

Quantifying intracellular glucose levels when yeast is grown in glucose media

Temporal segregation of biosynthetic processes is responsible for metabolic oscillations during the budding yeast cell cycle

Metabolic dynamics during the cell cycle

Mutations in respiratory complex I promote antibiotic persistence through alterations in intracellular acidity and protein synthesis


NWO Summit subsidie voor onderzoek naar moleculaire basis van leven

NWO Summit grant for research into the molecular basis of life

Waves of Macromolecule Production During the Cell Cycle

RUG-hoogleraar biochemie Matthias Heineman is lid van het kernteam FutureCarbonNL

Ritme van biosynthese is metabool bepaald

Nieuwe ontdekking over productie van DNA | Engineeringnet

Key Biosynthetic Processes Are Separated in Time

Important biosynthetic processes are separated in time

Cellen vermijden multitasking - Belangrijke biochemische reacties vinden op verschillende momenten plaats

Cells avoid multitasking - Essential biochemical reactions are found to be separated in time