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prof. mr. dr. M.H. (Mathijs) ten Wolde

professor of Private law, Private International Law, International Transport Law
Profile picture of prof. mr. dr. M.H. (Mathijs) ten Wolde


Business and Private international Law in the EU

Balancing Consumer Rights and Business Interests in Online Cross-Border Consumer Contracts

Business and Private international Law in the EU

Handboek Internationaal Privaatrecht 2021

Listed shares, financial loss and jurisdiction under the Brussels Ia Regulation – A matter of two principles

Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht: Wetten, Verdragen en Verordeningen 2021/2022

The Legal Policy of Executability in the International Arbitral Tribunal Decision

Case note: ECLI:EU:C:2020:534

Case note: ECLI:EU:C:2020:569

De plaats van het Erfolgsort in het forum delicti van het EEX: Is de puzzel gelegd?

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