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University Medical Center Groningen

dr. ir. M.H. (Maaike) Oosterveer

Principal Investigator
Profile picture of dr. ir. M.H. (Maaike) Oosterveer


  • 2003: MSc in Human Nutrition and Health.
  • 2009: PhD in Medical Science on thesis ‘Control of Metabolic Flux by Nutrient Sensors’. University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands
  • 2010 – 2012: Postdoctoral research. Laboratory for Integrated and Systems Physiology (Johan Auwerx/Kristina Schoonjans), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.

 Honors, awards and scholarships:

  • 2017: NWO VIDI grant.
  • 2013: Rosalind Franklin Fellowship from the University of Groningen.
  • 2010: Ter Meulen Fund stipend from the Netherlands Royal Academy for Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
  • 2010: European Society of Clinical Investigation travel grant.
  • 2003: Erasmus/Socrates Scholarship and Wageningen University Fund.
Last modified:25 June 2022 02.35 a.m.