M. (Maryory) Galvis Pedraza, MSc

m.galvis.pedraza rug.nl
I am developing jointly with my supervisor's team research about how exposure to oxidative stress develops mitochondrial failure in severely ill patients and how this is related to long-term outcomes. Previously, I worked as an epidemiologist at the Ministry of Health in Colombia, over the consolidation, synthesis, and analysis of pharmacoepidemiological information related to the immunization process against COVID-19; as well as research activities during the pandemic. I was an instructor at University ICESI in Cali, Colombia, teaching physician students the fundamentals statements in epidemiology. For almost three years, I worked in prenatal and leukemic state diagnoses by reading the karyotype using the cytogenetic techniques for reading G bands. I have training in lymphocyte culture from bone marrow, peripheral blood and amniotic cell culture. I participated in the diagnosis issue and the correlation of results with the patient's pathology. I have experience in the clinical laboratory on quality assurance and maintenance, chemistry, hematology, immunology, coagulation, and immunohematology regarding the analysis of human samples. My first work was as a microbiology analyst in areas of bacteriology, parasitology, and mycology: analysing raw water, water indifferent stations of the disinfection process, water supply network, pool water, stagnant water. Publications: 1) Collazos Rozo, J., and M. Galvis Pedraza. "Weekly Simulation of the Behavior of the Epidemic by COVID-19 in Colombia". Interdisciplinary Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health, Vol. 3, no. 1, May 2020, p. e-42, DOI:10.18041/2665-427X/ijeph.1.6242. 2) Galvis Pedraza M. COVID-19: Perspective, what we know and learn. iJEPH [Internet]. 5May2020 [cited 24May2020];3(1):e-230. Available from: https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/iJEPH/article/view/6230. 3) Galvis Pedraza M, Triana Vargas JC, Luna Miranda LC, Pacheco López R, Ferro Ramos BE. Producción científica sobre tuberculosis en Cali - Colombia, 2007-2016. En: Nieto Ramirez,. L.M. (ed.). Estudios de la tuberculosis desde la Sucursal del Cielo. Cali, Colombia: Editorial. Universidad Santiago de Cali, Editorial Universidad Icesi; 2021. pp. 67-88. DOI: https://doi.org/10.35985/9789585147256.3. 4) Arregoces L, Fernández J, Rojas-Botero M, Palacios-Clavijo AF, Galvis M, Rincón LE, et al. Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in preventing hospitalizations and deaths in Colombia: A pair-matched, national-wide cohort study in older adults. SSRN Electron J [Internet]. 2021 [citado el 9 de noviembre de 2021]; Disponible en: https://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=3944059. 5) Pinto-Álvarez, Mariana and Fernández Niño, Julián Alfredo and Arregoces Castillo, Leonardo and Rojas-Botero, Maylen Liseth and Palacios Clavijo, Andrés and Galvis, Maryory and Ruiz Gomez, Fernando, Real-World Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccines Effectiveness in Solid-Organ Transplant Recipient Population in Colombia: a Study Nested in the Esperanza Cohort (July 18, 2022). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4166380 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4166380 6) Torres-Agredo M, Galvis M, Otero J, Guerrero-Jaramillo P, Benavides-Córdoba V. Impacto de la pandemia en los centros de protección. social del adulto mayor y la respuesta gubernamental en Cali - Colombia. Salutem Scientia Spiritus 2022; 8(3):22-25. 7) Galvis Pedraza, Maryory and Murcia Viveros, Angelica and Lumumi Moreno, Armando and Pacheco López, Robinson and Reina, Carlos Alberto and Ávila, Germán and Roa, Pablo and Torres, Miyerlandi, Immune response against COVID-19 in a population aged 18 years and above, in 2022, Cali, Colombia. (May 21, 2023). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4454595 (in submission).
Laatst gewijzigd: | 01 maart 2024 14:52 |