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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.E. (Maaike) de Heij


Female Fertilization: Effects of Sex-Specific Density and Sex Ratio Determined Experimentally for Colorado Potato Beetles and Drosophila Fruit Flies

Adjusting the timing of hatching to changing environmental conditions has fitness costs in blue tits

Experimental manipulation shows that the white wing patch in collared flycatchers is a male sexual ornament

Female great tits Parus major do not increase their daily energy expenditure when incubating enlarged clutches

Metabolic rate of nocturnal incubation in female great tits, Parus major, in relation to clutch size measured in a natural environment

Fitness cost of incubation in great tits (Parus major) is related to clutch size

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Europese prijs voor onderwijsproject gecoördineerd door Science LinX

Honderden gebreide neuronen vormen kunstwerk