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A Functional Trade-off between Prosodic and Semantic Cues in Conveying Sarcasm

Fine-Tuning Strategies for Dutch Dysarthric Speech Recognition: Evaluating the Impact of Healthy, Disease-Specific, and Speaker-Specific Data

Improving sarcasm detection from speech and text through attention-based fusion exploiting the interplay of emotions and sentiments

Lexical Stress Identification in Cochlear Implant-Simulated Speech by Non-Native Listeners

A contrastive study on the representation of “Made in China” in Chinese and U.S. newspapers

Improving Luxembourgish Speech Recognition with Cross-Lingual Speech Representations

Prosodic Focus Interpretation in Spectrotemporally Degraded Speech by Non-Native Listeners

Reimagining language Towards a better understanding of language by including our interactions with non-humans

Resource-Efficient Fine-Tuning Strategies for Automatic MOS Prediction in Text-to-Speech for Low-Resource Languages

SarcasticSpeech: Speech Synthesis for Sarcasm in Low-Resource Scenarios

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Every Time The Simpsons Predicted New Technology And Got It Right

Researchers Have Built an AI-Powered Sarcasm Detector

Des chercheurs néerlandais améliorent la détection du sarcasme grâce à une approche multimodale

‘Emotional AI’ fights with problems

Why Does Google's Latest Experimental Search Tool Feature Make Bizarre Suggestions Like Eating Rocks?

Building a better sarcasm detector

Could AI algorithms understand sarcasm?

Fast menschlich: Dieser Algorithmus versteht Sarkasmus

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