dr. ir. M.C. (Martijn) Nawijn
I'm the coordinator of the BSc level course Immunology-1 and the MSc level course Immunology III, from bench to bedside and back within the Life Sciences curriculum.
I'm the academic coordinator off the Erasmus+ MSc program International Master of Innovatve Medicine within the Graduate School of Medical Sciences (GSMS), a double degree program with the universities of Uppsala and Heidelberg.
II'm the coordinator for the Campus activities of the UMCG and its partners within the EIT Health consortium, and activity lead of the PERSPeCtive program (Personalized and Patient Centered Healthcare) within Executive and Professional Education.
I'm member of the 1st years educational committee of the Learning Community Molecular Medicine G2020 (Medicine curriculum), and coordinator of the BSc training in inflammation.
In addition I actively participate in numerous teaching activities.
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 02.46 a.m. |