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M.C. (Michael C.) Fontaine, PhD

Assistant Professor


  • 2003 – 08: PhD in Biological Sciences, University of Liège (Belgium) and CBGP-INRA (France).
  • 2003 – 04: Master in Biological Sciences (DEA), University of Liège, Belgium.
  • 2002 – 03: Complementary degree in Oceanology, University of Liège, Belgium.
  • 1998 – 02: Undergraduate University Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Liège, Belgium.

Research appointments and experience 

August 14 – current: Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)
Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences (GELIFES)
University of Groningen, NL.

June 13 – July 14: Research Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame IN, USA.
Projects: Speciation and population genomics in Anopheline species using Next Generation Sequencing.

July 12 – June 13: Postdoctoral scholar, University of Notre Dame IN, USA.
Advisor: Nora J Besansky
Project: Speciation and population genomics in Anopheline species using Next Generation Sequencing (FNIH, NHGRI-NIAD, Welcome Trust – Sanger, UK).

Aug. 10 – Jun. 12:  Postdoctoral scholar, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN), Paris, France
Advisors: Frederic Austerlitz & Evelyne Heyer
Project: Population genomics of human adaptations to contrasted lifestyles.
Funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR project NUTGENEVOL).

Apr. 08 – Jul. 10: Postdoctoral scholar, University Paris Sud (XI), Orsay, France
Advisors: Tatiana Giraud & Frederic Austerlitz
Project: Dispersal, phylogeography and colonization process of pathogenic fungi.
Funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR project EMERFUNDIS) and post-doctoral fellowship from the Region Ile de France.

Oct 07 – Jan. 08: Short-term Marie Curie predoctoral fellow, University of Leeds, UK
Advisor: Simon J Goodman
Subject: Population genetic structure of harbour porpoises in UK waters.
Funded by a Short-term Marie Curie Fellowship.

Apr. 03 – Sept. 07: PhD in Biological Sciences, University of Liège, Belgium
Advisors: Jean-Marie M Bouquegneau & Johan R Michaux
Lab. for Oceanology (University of Liège, ULg, Belgium) and CBGP-INRA (Montpellier, France).
Project: Population genetic and demographic history of harbour porpoises in the eastern North Atlantic.
Funded by the Belgian SSTC contract VIPHOGEN EV/12/46a, and Special Funds for Research from the University of Liege; PhD fellowship from the FRS-FNRS, Belgium.

Mai 03: Complementary degree research training, University of Liège, Belgium
One month field research training at STARESO Oceanographic research station, Calvi, France

Jan. 02 - Sept. 02:      Undergraduate research training, University of Liège, Belgium
Advisors: Jean-Marie Bouquegneau and Krishna Das
Lab. for Oceanology (University of Liège, ULg, Belgium).
Subject: Ecology and ecotoxicology of the harbour porpoises from the North Sea and adjacent waters analysed using stable isotopes and trace elements. (Belgian SSTC contract MN/DD/50 and EV/XX/806).

Last modified:25 June 2022 2.42 p.m.