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dr. M.C. (Maaike) Engels

Advisor educational grants & innovation

2024 - heden
Advisor educational grants & innovation Teaching Academy Groningen. University services, team Education & Students.
2021 - Current
Educational researcher and advisor at University of Groningen, Educational Support and Innovation, team Educational Staff Development. 
2018 - 2021
Postdoc Sociology at University of Groningen. From 2018-2020 interdisciplinary postdoc at Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences aimed at stimulating interdisciplinairy research. From 2020-2021 a personal NRO postdoc grant aimed at investigating the role of teacher in the transition from primary to secondary school. 
2014 - 2018
Ph.D. in Psychology at KU Leuven (Belgium). Dissertation entiteld: How classroom social dynamics shape students' school engagement: The role of peers, teachers, and their interplay.
2012 - 2014
Research Master Educational Sciences: Learning in Interactie at Utrecht University.
2009 - 2012
Educational Sciences at Utrecht University, including Honoursprogram Von Humboldt College.
Last modified:29 January 2024 11.36 a.m.