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M. (Mihaly) Balogh, PhD


  • Semmelweis University, School of Ph.D. Studies (Pharmaceutical Sciences) – Ph.D. degree graded summa cum laude (2019)
  • Semmelweis University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Budapest, Hungary - Master’s Degree graded cum laude (Master of Science in Pharmacy, Pharm. D.; 2015)

Scientific achievements:

  • Publications:
    • Cumulative impact factor: 89.197
    •  h-index: 8
    • Number of publications in peer-reviewed journals: 21 (first author: 7)
  • Grants, other awards:
    • National Scientific Students' Associations Conference (2015, during grad. education)
      • 2nd price (Section: Neuro- and Psychopharmacology)
      • Special Award of the Hungarian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences (best pharmacy student)
    • Richter Gedeon Plc., Hungary: Richter Centenáriumi Alapítvány Research Grant for Young Researchers (2017)
    • Semmelweis University: Predoctoral Scholarship and Research Grant (2017)
    • Recognition Award of the Hungarian Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (2017) – Competition of young researchers
    • Semmelweis University Excellence List member (2018) – best 5% of the grade 
    • Winner of the New Hungarian National Excellence Program Scholarship (2018)
    • Richter Gedeon Plc., Hungary: Richter Centenáriumi Alapítvány Research Grant for Young Researchers (2019)

Previous experiences in work:

  • MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA (2020-2022)
    • Postdoctoral research fellow. Research: neuroimmune interactions in neuropathic pain, cancer-related pain; renin-angiotensin system’s role in pain
  • Semmelweis University, Budapest, HU (2015-2020)
      • Assistant professor (2019-2020) 
      • Assistant research fellow (2016-2019)
      • Ph.D. student (2015-2018)
      • Involved in teaching and course development of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy for medical and dentistry students of Hungarian and English programs;
        Examination of Hungarian and English students
      • Research: pain; neuropathic pain; inflammation; opioids; peripheral vs central opioid analgesia.
    • Supervisor activities:
      • Student’s Scientific Conference at Semmelweis University: 

        Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy: two 1st prices (2018, 2019); oral presentation in English (2017)

      • National Scientific Students' Associations Conference: two presentations, special price of the Hungarian Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (2019)

      • Diploma thesis: 1 student (2018): 1st price (Competition of the Rector’s Office)

  • National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition, Budapest, HU: clinical study evaluator (external trustee; 2018)
  • Madardomb Pharmacy, Budapest, HU: community pharmacy (2015-2016)
Last modified:09 September 2022 1.36 p.m.