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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.A. van Leeuwe


Carbon and nutrient cycling in Antarctic landfast sea ice from winter to summer

Macronutrient biogeochemistry in Antarctic land-fast sea ice: Insights from a circumpolar data compilation

Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Ecosystem

Thin and transient meltwater layers and false bottoms in the Arctic sea ice pack: Recent insights on these historically overlooked features

On the phenology and seeding potential of sea-ice microalgal species

Climate change impacts on sea-ice ecosystems and associated ecosystem services

Annual patterns in phytoplankton phenology in Antarctic coastal waters explained by environmental drivers

The future of Arctic sea-ice biogeochemistry and ice-associated ecosystems

Extreme spikes in DMS flux double estimates of biogenic sulfur export from the Antarctic coastal zone to the atmosphere

Predicting DMS(P) production in a high carbon dioxide world: Does algal carbon-utilization provide an answer?

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Environmental researchers are watching the world end: 'It got so dark, so empty and quiet'

Grote impact smeltend zee-ijs op ecosystemen van de Noordpool

Deze Groningse onderzoeker laat zich invriezen op de Noordpool

NICO Expedition

Smelten de gletsjers?

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