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University Medical Center Groningen

dr. M.A. (Marrit) Tuinman


Current research:

  • Healthy weight after cancer treatment: a multidisciplinary intervention using personalized if-then planning (2019-2020). Marrit Tuinman, Mariët Hagedoorn en Janine Nuver. Funded by Het Nationaal Fonds tegen Kanker.
  • E-SURV: Development of comprehensive strategies for assessment, data-sharing and follow-up in childhood cancer survivors linking epidemiological and clinical data. Funder: German Cancer Aid (Deutsche Krebshilfe). Marrit Tuinman, Vicky Lehmann & Dr Gabriele Calaminus (PI).
  • Caregiver balance: an eHealth application to support decision-making. Funder: ZonMw project together with A. Looijmans, Mariët Hagedoorn, An Reyners and Lisette van Gemert.
  • D. A. Ayuningtyas. ‘Will you quit smoking for me?’ The role of spouses in the smoking behavior and intention to quit of Indonesian male smokers. Promotores: Prof. dr. M. Hagedoorn. Co-promotor: Dr. M. Tuinman. 
  • Anne Buitenhuis. Smoking-Related Interactions in Single-Smoking Couples: Can Dyadic Planning Improve Cessation? (PhD project Anne Buitenhuis).
  • Which social contacts help reduce distress after cancer in single and partnered patients? (Funder: Dutch Cancer Society 2016-2020, Marrit Tuinman (PI) en Mariët Hagedoorn.


  • Fabiola Müller. Cancer-related fatigue in a couples' context. Funder: Dutch Cancer Society, KWF, 2014-2017. Mariët Hagedoorn (PI) & Marrit Tuinman.
  • How can we involve partners to improve smoking cessation after cancer? Funder: UMCG Healthy Ageing Pilot. Marrit Tuinman (PI) en Mariët Hagedoorn.
  • Dr. V. Lehmann (2014). Singlehood and partnerships in healthy people and childhood cancer survivors: A focus on satisfaction. Promotores: Prof. dr. M. Hagedoorn & Prof. dr. R. Sanderman. Co-promotor: Dr. M. Tuinman.
Last modified:25 June 2022 02.32 a.m.