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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M.A. (Mayerli) Prado Rivera

Research interests

PhD project: Cummulative early-life stress and the onset of depression - Neurobiological correlates and transgenerational effects

I study gene-by-environment interactions that play a primary role in psychopathology by using experimental models. I am particularly interested in studying the interplay between the serotonin transporter genotype and early life adversity in neurodevelopment and behavior of knockout rats.


Intimate partner violence attitudes: Who tolerates the most?

Corticosterone mediates the deleterious effect of medial septal inactivation on memory retrieval.

Evaluación neuropsicológica de un adulto colombiano diagnosticado con Síndrome de Morquio B

Emotional neurophysiological response in intimate partner violence against women: A pilot study

Induced EEG activity during the IAPS tests and avEMT in intimate partner violence against women

Conservación de la atención a pesar de la privación del sueño en estudiantes de psicología

Overtraining modifies spatial memory susceptibility to corticosterone administration

Second Colombian neuropsychological characterization in children with mucopolysaccharidoses type I, IV-a and VI

La escucha de música antes del TSST regula los niveles de cortisol en saliva independiente de la preferencia musical en estudiantes universitarios

Memory interfering effects of chlordiazepoxide on consummatory successive negative contrast

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Overdraagbare psychische problemen - Gestreste moeder, depressief kind?