Map for Anda Kerkhoven Centre
Antonius Deusinglaan 1
9713 AV Groningen
The location (building 3227) is marked with a red flag on the map.
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Faculty Science & Engineering
Antonius Deusinglaan 1
9713 AV Groningen
050 363 8000 (reception)
Car park
Parking garage UMCG Noord (5 min walk) or Parking garage Boterdiep (7 min walk). For the Antonius Deusinglaan, it is best to park in UMCG Noord. More information about parking facilities.
Busstop UMCG Noord
Individuals with a disability
The building has elevators to take people with disabilities to the appropriate floor. In addition, signage in the building is tactile and/or Braille in many areas. The building has 11 disabled toilets. Parking for people with (functional) disabilities can be arranged in consultation with Construction & Facility North Point (
For questions and/or comments regarding building accessibility, please contact the front desk (050 361 6000). Suggestions regarding accessibility can be sent to
To get you started faster, see photos with explanations of the particular building.