Map for Studium Generale Groningen & Museum Staff
Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 9
9712 EA Groningen
The building (building 1215) is marked with a red flag on the map.
Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 9
9712 EA Groningen, the Netherlands
Opening hours
Monday & Tuesday: 09:00-17:00h
How to get there
Get off at Groningen Central Station and continue your journey by bus.
Nearest bus stop: Verlengde Visserstraat
Bus lines that stop here: 9, 19, and 7
For more information, please visit the websites of 9292, NS, Qbuzz, or Arriva.
Visitors are advised to use the Ossenmarkt public car park. After leaving the car park, cross over the nearest bridge, turn right and continue on to the next bridge. Then turn left into the Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat. The building is on the left-hand side of the street, at number 5-9.
Parking for people with functional or other impairments (at the Academy Building)
Two parking spaces have been reserved for people with functional or other impairments at the Academy Building car park.
To reserve one, please contact: / tel. +31 (0)50 363 5250
Please contact the student counsellors at the Student Service Centre (for students) or your manager (for UG staff) if you wish to make long-term use of one of these parking spaces.
Disability vehicles cannot access the bicycle shed. These can be parked in the car park.
Main entrance: not wheelchair-accessible
There is no lift in the building.
Toilet facilities
There are no wheelchair-accessible toilet facilities in the building.
Nursing mothers’ room / first-aid room / prayer room
There is no nursing mothers’ room in the building. The nearest nursing mothers’ room is in the University Library.
There is no first-aid room in the building. The nearest nursing mothers’ room is in the University Library.
There is no prayer room in the building. The nearest prayer room is in the University Library.
Please contact the Harmonie Complex reception (tel. +31 (0)50 363 5901) if you have any questions or comments about the accessibility of the building. If you have any suggestions in the field of accessibility, please send them to