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prof. dr. L.W. (Leo W) Beukeboom

Professor Evolutionary Genetics
Profile picture of prof. dr. L.W. (Leo W) Beukeboom
+31 50 36 35224 (Tineke de Boer)

My expertise field is evolutionary genetics and entomology. My research focuses on the genetics and evolution of insect reproductive modes and behaviour, including mechanisms of sexual and parthenogenetic reproduction, sex determination, haplodiploidy, photoperiodism and life history traits. My main research organisms are parasitoid wasps (Nasonia, Asobara, Leptopilina) and flies (Musca, Drosophila). I also have an interest in rearing insects for food and feed, insect pest control and biological control.

Below you find an overview of our ongoing research including potential MSc-project opportunities. If you like to get more details about a specific project or discuss concrete plans for your (MSc) project development, please contact the respective supervisors. You can also contact me for any questions.

Current projects

NWO-NWA Programma: InsectFeed: insects as sustainable feed for a circular economy (coordinated by M. Dicke, WUR)

NWO Open Programme: Mechanisms for overcoming challenges in polyploid evolution in the jewel wasp Nasonia vitripennis

Topsector Agri&Food: Vermeerdering en veredeling Musca domestica lijnen (collaboration with AMUSCA)

Improvement of Biological Control of Filth Flies (collaboration with Biobestrijding)

Recently completed projects

Marie Curie ITN CINCHRON (2018-2021): Genetics of insect biological timing [coordinator Bambos Kyriacou]

NWO Gesloten Kringlopen (2018-2021): Towards utilizing livestock manure for mass rearing of houseflies for feed

NWO Groen (2017-2021): Biological control of the new invasive pest species Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) [coordinator Bregje Wertheim]

NWO Open Programme (2019-2022): Temperature fluctuations as universal engine for evolutionary diversification of sex-determination: a theoretical study using mechanistic models [coordinator Ido Pen]

Current postdoc projects

 Kelley Leung - Mechanisms for overcoming challenges in polyploid evolution in the jewel wasp Nasonia vitripennis

 Anna Voulgari Kokota - Insects as sustainable feed for a circular economy; insect health and the immune system (with Joana Falcao Salles & Bregje Wertheim)

 Current PhD-projects

Pauline Romeyer - Ultradian, circadian and seasonal clocks in Nasonia (with Louis van de Zande)

Marrit van der Bruggen - Insects as sustainable feed for a circular economy: Housefly behaviour and well-being under mass rearing conditions (with Bregje Wertheim & Joana Falcao Salles)

Maaike Vogel - Insects as sustainable feed for a circular economy: Mass rearing of houseflies and the importance of immunity in mass rearing (with Bregje Wertheim & Joana Falcao Salles)

Jan Kreider - Towards an eco-evo-devo theory for the evolution of eusociality: integrating theory, field experiments and molecular genetics (with Ido Pen & Jan Komdeur)


Current Master projects

Cell size, polyploidy, and sex determination in Nasonia - Kelley Leung (start: open)

 Diploidization and feminization in an asexual insect (and comparative genomics of reproductive parasites) - Elzemiek Geuverink (start: open)

 Evolution of sex determination genes - Elzemiek Geuverink (start: open) 

 Insects to feed the world: exploring the life-history traits and optimizing the conditions for mass rearing of houseflies - Leo Beukeboom (start: open)

 Effects of different diets on expression of immune genes in houseflies - Maaike Vogel (start open)

 Identification of candidate biological control agents for stable flies – Leo Beukeboom (start open)

And here a link to the g-drive folder with project descriptions.

Last modified:21 February 2023 09.57 a.m.