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drs. L. (Linda ) Nijenhof

Profile picture of drs. L. (Linda ) Nijenhof

Academic and non-academic employment (selection)

University of Groningen (1998 – now)

- Lecturer modern and contemporary art

  History of Art, Architecture and Landscape & Arts, Culture and Media

- Phd: Tracks and traces – interwoven lines in multi-screen installations (see projects)

 - Programme coordinator, History of Art, Architecture and Landscape (Ba/Ma)

Frank Mohr Institute (2005-2008)

- Theory tutor, scenography


Art Practice - In Situ (1999-2004)

Founder, organizer exhibitions, projects and symposia i.e.:

- From movement, crossover exhibition on dance, visual arts and architecture, in collaboration with choreographer/dancer Karin Post, with works/projects of Aernout Mik, Chris Cunningham, Nanine Linning, Steve McQueen, Ger van Elk (Groninger Museum)

- What’s new? Art and new media, lecture series/seminars of i.e. William Uricchio, Eric Kluitenberg, Walter van der Cruijsen, Paul Crowther, Bart Rutten, Arie Altena (i.c.w. Katalin Herzog, Minerva/Frank Mohr Institute)

- Project Renewal Theory Program, pilot modules & publication, assigned by Faculty of Arts, Hanze university & University of Groningen

- STAR & ARTS, Art along the S.T.A.R. railway track. Concept development and artists selection, assigned by Province of Groningen and 8 municipalities.


Art space Ziegler Groningen (1996-1999)

Gallery assistant


Commission/board (selection):

Board member NP3 (2009 - 2016)

Young Masters Award (Media Art festival Friesland - 2014)

Hendrik de Vries stipendium (2008)

Provincial Advisory Commission Visual Arts, Groningen (2005/2006)



- University of Groningen (1995 – 1998)

Art & Art Policy, Visual Arts


- Academy Minerva Groningen (1990 – 1995)

Media art (photography, video art, digital art)


- Villa Arson, Nice (Fr.) (1994)

Media art (photography, video art)


Last modified:04 July 2022 11.51 a.m.