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prof. dr. L.L. (Laura) Govers

Associate Professor
Profile picture of prof. dr. L.L. (Laura) Govers

Current projects

  • The Seagrass Consortium - Advancing and upscaling European seagrass restoration

  • Rijkswaterstaat: seagrass restoration in the Wadden Sea, Lake Grevelingen en Lake Veerse

  • The Avian Nutrient pump

  • Waddenmozaïek

  • Wij & Wadvogels 1

Voormalige projecten

  • Sleutelen aan Zeegrasherstel
  • Waders of the Bijagós
  • Restoring Griend

  • NWO VENI: disease ecology of seagrasses
  • cross-habitat interactions in the Wadden Sea

  • Waddensleutels

  • Metawad
  • All Risk
  • Restoring an ecosystem engineer: seagrass in the Wadden Sea
  • Effects of v Phytophthora's op Zostera marina
  • carbon storage in mutualism-driven salt marshes

  • Effects of biogeochemical stressors on seagrass ecosystems

  • Seagrass restoration Eastern Scheldt

Last modified:18 October 2023 11.48 a.m.