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Investigating the Ordering Structure of Clustered Items Using Nonparametric Item Response Theory

Effect of Within-Group Dependency on Fit Statistics in Mokken Scale Analysis in the Presence of Two-Level Test Data

Evaluating Model Fit in Two-Level Mokken Scale Analysis

Maximum Augmented Empirical Likelihood Estimation of Categorical Marginal Models for Large Sparse Contingency Tables

A two-step procedure for scaling multilevel data using Mokken's scalability coefficients

A two-step, test-guided Mokken scale analysis, for nonclustered and clustered data

Nonparametric item response theory for multilevel test data

Range-Preserving Confidence Intervals and Significance Tests for Scalability Coefficients in Mokken Scale Analysis

Bias of Two-Level Scalability Coefficients and Their Standard Errors

New advances in Mokken scale analysis