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Do I Perceive That We as a Community Can Persist, Adapt Flexibly, and Positively Transform? The Relationship Between Collective Transilience and Community-Based Adaptation

Energy citizenship as people's perceived (collective) rights and responsibilities in a just and sustainable energy transition - scale development and validation

Individual Transilience in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic

An interdisciplinary understanding of energy citizenship: Integrating psychological, legal, and economic perspectives on a citizen-centred sustainable energy transition

Can we do more than “bounce back”? Transilience in the face of climate change risks

Cooking a pro-veg*n social identity: the influence of vegan cooking workshops on children’s pro-veg*n social identities, attitudes, and dietary intentions

Kunnen lokale energie-initiatieven mensen motiveren voor een duurzame energietransitie?

Policy brief 6: Recommendations for inclusive and empowered energy communities: How policy makers and initiative takers can foster public support for and involvement in energy communities

The group dynamics sparking social change: how group value in diversity predicts interactions with a deviant

De rol van menselijk gedrag is cruciaal voor een soepele landbouwtransitie

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We zijn niet duurzamer gaan denken, maar wel duurzamer gaan doen. Hoe zit dat?


Discussion of our paper ‘Translience: A new way to think about climate change’

Het uniform van de student

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