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dr. L.J.R. (Bert) Scholtens

Profile picture of dr. L.J.R. (Bert) Scholtens

  • Bert Scholtens is coordinator for the course  Responsible Finance and Investing. He teaches in the courses: Banking, Insurance, and Risk Management; Climate Finance; Energy Finance; Responsible Finance and Investing.
  • He developed and set up the courses Bachelor thesis Finance; Sustainability in Business and Economics; Banking, Insurance, and Risk Management; Energy Finance; Responsible Finance and Investing; Learning Community Climate Finance.
  • Bert Scholtens supervises Finance students’  Bachelor-thesis as well as Finance students' Masters-thesis. He also supports Bachelor honours and Research master students with their research projects.
  • Bert Scholtens currently supervises PhD students Jesper Beverdam (sustainable financial instruments, with Klaus Hubacek and Frans Sijtsma), Stephanie Werleman (monetary and financial policy in sub-national island jurisdictions, with Steffen Eriksen), Jiaxin Chen (climate finance, with Auke Plantinga).

Phd-theses (completed)

  • Pham Thi Thu Tra - Essays on Borrowing and Debt Contracting - 2006 [with Robert Lensink]
  • Ilko Naaborg - Foreign Bank Entry and Performance - 2007 [with Jakob de Haan and Robert Lensink]
  • Lammertjan Dam - Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Markets - 2008 [with Elmer Sterken]
  • Choudhry Tanveer Shehzad - Panel Studies on Bank Risks and Crises - 2009 [with Jakob de Haan]
  • Muhammad Omer - Selected Topics in International Monetary Economics - 2014 [with Jakob de Haan]
  • Yanping Zhao - Essays on International Capital Flows, Currency Crises and Exchange Rate Regimes - 2014 [with Jakob de Haan]
  • Michael Rezec - Alternative Approaches in ESG Investing - Four Essays on Investment Performance and Risk - 2015 [with Andreas Hoepner]
  • Suxiao Li - International Fund Flows: Surges, Sudden Stops and Cyclicality - 2017 [with Jakob de Haan]
  • Moritz Wiesel - Investing, Personality and Social Preferences - 2017 [with Kristian Myrseth]
  • Saskia Störch - Not all derivatives are alike: Insight from the German market - 2017 [with Andrea Schertler]
  • Herman van Os - Modular Evaluation Method for Subsurface Activities - 2018 [with Rien Herber]
  • Qiubin Huang - Systemic Risk and Financial Regulation - 2019 [with Jakob de Haan]
  • Edie Erman Che Johari - Bank Payout Policy: Evidence from Three Regulatory Changes - 2019 [with Dimitris Chronopoulos and John Wilson]
  • Arjan Trinks - Falling for Rising Temperatures? - 2020 [with Machiel Mulder]
  • Konstantinos Sklavos - Energy Markets and the Financial Environment - 2021 [with Lammertjan Dam]
  • Meng Han - Commodities as an Asset Class - 2022 [with Lammertjan Dam]
  • Lina Xie - The Role of Public Financial Institutions in Reducing CO2 Emissions and Countries' Vulnerability to Climate Risks - 2024 [with Swarnodeep Homroy]
Last modified:13 May 2024 2.26 p.m.