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About us Practical matters How to find us dr. L.J.R. (Bert) Scholtens

Research interests

Bert Scholtens is also Finance Professor at the School of Management of the University of Saint Andrews, Scotland, UK. Currently, he is visiting professor at Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I), France.

Research interests

My research interests are in sustainable banking and finance, socially responsible investing, international financial intermediation, and energy finance. I try to advance theoretical insights next to conventional theories and concepts, in particular to the fields of sustainable banking and finance and socially responsible investing. Given the topics studied, I often work in a multidisciplinary setting.


Hogere defensie-uitgaven leiden niet per se tot grotere productiecapaciteit

Improving biodiversity resilience requires both public and private finance: A life-cycle analysis of biodiversity finance

The economics of corporate environmental responsibility

The Investment Performance of Classical Swedish Painters

What are Sub-National Island Jurisdictions?

Integration of the international carbon market: A time-varying analysis

Internationale klimaatfinanciering gaat nauwelijks naar kwetsbaarste landen

Leveraging keystone agents in extractive industries to advance sustainability

One size does not fit all: Responsible investor motivation and investment performance

The art of valuation: Using visual analysis to price classical paintings by Swedish Masters


De nieuwe Europese defensie industrie moet sneller, onafhankelijker, goedkoper

De klimaatzaak tegen ING is andere koek dan die tegen Shell

De klimaatzaak tegen ING is andere koek dan die tegen Shell

Afschaffen van fossiele subsidies biedt kansen.

Bert Scholtens (RUG): ‘Afschaffen fossiele subsidies biedt kansen’

Financial Transaction Tax For a Fairer World

Bestaat er wel zoiets als duurzaam beleggen?

Duurzaam bankieren: hoe pak je dat aan?