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University Medical Center Groningen

prof. dr. L.F.M.H. (Lou) de Leij

Professor (emeritus)
Profile picture of prof. dr. L.F.M.H. (Lou) de Leij


Other positions

Professor of Medical Biology (emeritus).
Member and chair of the Board of the Groningen University Foundation (GUF).
Member of the Board of the JK de Cock-Hadders Foundation.
Member of the Board of the Royal Natural Sciences Society (Groningen).
Member (advisor) of the Medical Ethical Committee Assen (Stichting BeBo).
Member and chair of the Board of the iDNA Foundation
Member of the Rubicon committee of ZonMw
(Honorary) member of the Dutch Society for Immunology
Last modified:31 May 2024 07.41 a.m.

Contact information

Antonius Deusinglaan 1
9713 AV Groningen
The Netherlands

UMCG, de Brug, 8ste etage