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Harnessing EU legal concepts for the energy transition on islands

Conceptualizing ‘Energy Sharing’ as an Activity of ‘Energy Communities’ under EU Law: Towards Social Benefits for Consumers?

#7 Bürgerenergie – Müssen wir unser Energiesystem umkrempeln?

Benefits of cross-border citizen energy communities at distribution system level

Developing a legal framework for energy communities beyond energy law

Is Sharing Caring? ‘Energy Sharing’ within Energy Communities under EU Law

A legal framework for smart grids

Citizen Energy Communities as a Vehicle for a Just Energy Transition in the EU – Challenges for the Transposition

'Energiegemeenschappen'- een decentrale oplossing voor de energietransitie?

Energy Communities in the Netherlands: Learning from Local Energy Initiatives

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Energy transition in border regions hindered by lack of coordination between neighbouring countries

Ohne Gegenwind

Research project ‘Flexible Energy Communities’ awarded funding by NWO