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Thoracolumbar injuries: operative treatment: indications, techniques, timing and implant removal. Current practice

Arterial angioembolisation versus pre-peritoneal pelvic packing in haemodynamically unstable patients with complex pelvic fractures: a meta-analysis

Comorbidities, injury severity and complications predict mortality in thoracic trauma

Development and external validation of automated detection, classification, and localization of ankle fractures: inside the black box of a convolutional neural network (CNN)

ESTES recommendation on thoracolumbar spine fractures: January 2023

Opportunities and limitations of in-gas-cell laser spectroscopy of the heaviest elements with RADRIS

The effect of age on resilience of health-related quality of life among polytrauma patients: a cross-sectional multicenter study

Severe isolated injuries have a high impact on resource use and mortality: a Dutch nationwide observational study

Standards of fracture care in polytrauma: results of a Europe-wide survey by the ESTES polytrauma section

The Detrimental Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Major Trauma Outcomes in the Netherlands A Comprehensive Nationwide Study

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Traumachirurg UMCG Klaus Wendt bij afscheid: 'Er kunnen meer levens gered'