K.P. (Koosje) Lamers, MSc
PhD student
![Profile picture of K.P. (Koosje) Lamers, MSc](/staff/k.p.lamers/photo.png?unique=1535980723396.jpg)
k.p.lamers rug.nl
Research interests
I am a behavioural ecologist and ornithologist interested in
dispersal, life history strategies and migratory behaviour, with a
passion for small passerine nestbox population studies.
Currently, I am collaborating with Lund University to investigate
the costs and benefits of long-distance dispersal through
experimental dispersal events. Moreover, I am studying whether
between-population differences in the timing of the annual
migratory cycle and overwintering locations are determined by genes
or ontogeny, through the creation of a common garden.
Before starting work on migratory behaviour, my past research
experiences and interests have revolved around sexual selection and
social networks in passerines.